Frequently Asked Questions about our site.

What and Who is Polokwane Info?

Polokwane Info is an Online Business Directory that makes finding local businesses easier by advertising their Websites on our Business Directory.

In what ways can I advertise?

You have four ways: Premium listing, Category Ad, Home page ad and Sidebar ad (Accommodation pages have their own sidebar ads).

  • Premium listing: The link to the Client’s website and contact information you see on all the Category pages. You will be listed only on 4 Categories relevant to your trade.
  • Category ad: The images you see on the top of the category page.
  • Home page ad: the ads in the slider on the Home page.
  • Sidebar ad: the ads you see to the right and left of all the pages.

What if there isn’t a category I, or the services I offer, belong to?

We will create a category for you as is relevant to your trade.

In what way does listing on benefit me?

We are the best ranked website. Basically we rank for you. This ensures that you have a chance at attracting visitors without having your website on the front page of Google.

What if I don’t have a website.

Don’t worry, we can help you with that too!

How long does it take to be listed?

Almost instantly! Almost? As soon as we have all your details and contact information, we can start.

For more information on the site that brings you closer to Polokwane, contact us now!